My name is Candace Anne Wilkinson-Roney. I’ve lived the artist’s existance all of my life. At the age of six, my tempera work titled “King of the Jungle” was part of a city wide scholastic exhibition at the Ft. Worth Museum of Art in 1956, but it took a trip to New Mexico in 1997 to show me the way to where I stand today. A long vacation took my past, shaped it into the future, and showed me the path to take.
My media is watercolor, sometimes in combination with gouache and ink. My subjects are always nature, for nature offers the most perfect models; those that are honest and undisturbed as I find them. After you have viewed one of my floral portraits, you will know that particular flower very well. My aim with each interpretation is to have the subject come to life as if dancing in the wind.
When not at my easel, I can be found walking in the woods or driving along back country roads with a camera looking for objet trouvé for future paintings; a leaf or blossom, or maybe a lichen-encrusted twig; animal bones, fossils; wild mushrooms or the orange fungal growth on a fallen log. Birds drop their feathers for me to find. Predators leave the remains of a meal, so that I may pass along another image to those who wish to view the stark simplicity of survival.
View my work objectively at first. Your honest and subjective opinion will then form from there. As with all artist’s lives, my work is part of my soul.